Is your current Mosquito Control Program performing to your satisfaction?

Proven Effective & Safe* Mosquito Concentrates –
With Cost Savings Over Traditional Pesticides

Read the Case Study below to see how Georgetown County SC transformed their county by switching to a mosquito control program powered by essential oils.

*When used as directed

“Our citizens told us what they were seeing. They said they were seeing fewer mosquitos than they had in the past. So it’s definitely better than before. The cost was absolutely less expensive than before.”

– Robert Mears,
Georgetown County Mosquito Control Department


Two Years Ago, Georgetown County of South Carolina Suffered From a Pesky Problem…

…You Guessed It, Mosquitos.

And swarms of them. Being located in a coastal area of lowlands with many swamps and areas with stagnant water, Georgetown County was a literal breeding ground for those suckers. The county tasked its Mosquito Control Department to reduce and eliminate mosquitos in the area that they are responsible for.

But That Was Just Scratching the Surface of Their Problems…

  • The Standard Industry Pesticides They Sprayed Were Ineffective

    The pyrethroid-based pesticides they used simply weren’t working well. Residents called and complained. Difficult conversations were had. The county had no choice but to spray more pesticides in an attempt to squash the mosquito population.

  • Costs Were Adding Up

    More pesticide applications led to higher costs. And the chemicals they used weren’t cheap to begin with.

  • They Noticed a Drop in the Population of Beneficial Pollinators

    Bees, butterflies, and other helpful critters play a vital role in plant pollination. Sadly, the pesticides used appeared to be harming the population of these beneficial bugs.

  • They Began to Question the Environmental Impact of Pyrethroid-Based Pesticides

    After complaints of people experiencing respiratory problems and the impact of their mosquito control efforts on bees, the team wondered if there was a better, safer approach.

Robert Mears from Georgetown County Mosquito Control Department Made a Bold Decision

Robert reached out to Mosquito Magician because he had heard good things about our essential oil-based products, and expressed his desire to do a pilot program using these products for their mosquito abatement program.

They Started With a Small Test and
Were Impressed with the Positive Results

Robert’s team measured the results with both mosquito traps as well as surveying the
local residents. The results were in – mosquito population counts dropped dramatically.

“We saw it was a 100% mortality rate and that’s what we were going for.” – Robert Mears

Georgetown County Officially Made the Switch to Mosquito Magician

After large-scale testing, Georgetown County found Mosquito Magician to be:

  • More Effective
    Than Pyrethroid

  • More Efficient
    With Fewer
    Applications Needed

  • More Cost-Effective
    Which Saved the
    County Money

  • Safer For Families, Pets,
    & Pollinators (when
    used as directed)

  • Easy to Apply
    Using a ULV
    Fogging System

  • Keeping the
    Mosquitos Away
    For Longer

“The complaints of respiratory problems have gone basically to zero.” – Robert Mears

DISCLAIMER: All the information and results for this Case Study came directly from the staff of Georgetown County SC. It is supplied for general interest purposes and does not constitute results and/or claims made by Mosquito Magician and Sprinkler Magician LLC. We are presenting this information only to show the results Georgetown County has expressed to us directly, (and in media and TV interviews) by using Mosquito Magician as well as a larvicide from another vendor for their Mosquito Control Program.

Become Our Next Success Story

Mosquito Magician regularly sends
samples to an independent laboratory
for testing. The results?

100% Kill Rate against Adult Mosquitos,
Fleas, & Fire Ants within 24 Hours!

Full Laboratory reports are available upon request.

“We frequently test mosquito population counts. We have definitive information that the counts went down when using Mosquito Magician and the counts went up when using the other products.”

– Robert Mears,
Georgetown County Mosquito Control Department

Schedule a Free Call to Learn How Mosquito Magician Can Help Your County

We want to learn more about you and the challenges your mosquito program is facing. Trust us, after 12 years in this industry, we’ve seen it all and we’re confident we can be a helpful resource for you. Book a free consultation and let’s see how we can help you. Once you fill out the form below, expect to receive an email from us within a day or two.