Top 5 Facts About Mosquitoes January 24, 2025Peter Olt Here are the Top 5 facts you should know about mosquitoes before you head out for your next hike and plan for a way to keep them at bay.
Top Tips to Stop Mosquito Bites From Itching August 22, 2023Peter Olt We’ve compiled a list of the most effective tips and remedies to alleviate that maddening itch and turn your torment into relief. So, let’s dive right in and reclaim your...
Will Bleach Kill Mosquito Larvae? April 29, 2022Peter Olt There has to be a way to limit how many mosquitoes are around your home, right? We’re here to help!
How to Kill Mosquito Larvae April 18, 2022Peter Olt We detailed how to kill mosquito larvae before they have a chance to leave the water.
Where Do Mosquitoes Go In The Winter? April 06, 2022Peter Olt As mosquito season ends and temperatures start to consistently be in the low 50s, they begin searching for a place to hide out – but where?
When Does Mosquito Season Start? April 01, 2022Peter Olt While you may no longer need to clear frost off of your car, you will have to spend the next several months fighting off mosquitoes. Find out when mosquito season...
Where Do Mosquitoes Live? March 24, 2022Peter Olt In this post, we will help you identify some of their favorite places to live so you can effectively keep them at bay.
Does Soap Repel Mosquitoes? March 17, 2022Peter Olt There are several soap brands marketed as having mosquito repellent properties, but can conventional soaps repel mosquitoes in the same way?
What Blood Type Do Mosquitoes Prefer? March 09, 2022Peter Olt If you don’t seem to get bit by mosquitoes very often, you probably have that one friend who attracts them like moths to light. But can it be because of...
Household Items That Repel Mosquitoes March 02, 2022Peter Olt There are dozens of items that repel mosquitoes, and you might have some in your house right now! Here’s the list of some of the best natural household items that...
Do Marigolds Repel Mosquitoes? February 25, 2022Peter Olt Anyone who has been around Marigolds knows two things: they are beautiful and they have a musky smell. If marigolds don’t smell good, can they at least repel mosquitoes?
Do Coffee Grounds Repel Mosquitoes? February 18, 2022Peter Olt Coffee is the second most traded commodity in the world! With millions of pounds of coffee grounds being used per day, people have found additional uses for used coffee grounds....