Top 5 Facts About Mosquitoes January 24, 2025Peter Olt Here are the Top 5 facts you should know about mosquitoes before you head out for your next hike and plan for a way to keep them at bay.
Will Bleach Kill Mosquito Larvae? April 29, 2022Peter Olt There has to be a way to limit how many mosquitoes are around your home, right? We’re here to help!
Where Do Mosquitoes Go In The Winter? April 06, 2022Peter Olt As mosquito season ends and temperatures start to consistently be in the low 50s, they begin searching for a place to hide out – but where?
When Does Mosquito Season Start? April 01, 2022Peter Olt While you may no longer need to clear frost off of your car, you will have to spend the next several months fighting off mosquitoes. Find out when mosquito season...
Where Do Mosquitoes Live? March 24, 2022Peter Olt In this post, we will help you identify some of their favorite places to live so you can effectively keep them at bay.
What is the Life Cycle of a Mosquito? May 03, 2021Peter Olt Here’s what you need to know about the life cycle of a mosquito and how to eliminate them at every stage.
What Do Mosquitoes Look Like? April 18, 2021Peter Olt What do mosquitoes look like? There are more than 3,000 different types of documented mosquito species. About 150 mosquito species live in the United States. Each mosquito species’ appearance, behavior,...
How to Kill Mosquito Larvae February 15, 2021Peter Olt Find out how to kill mosquito larvae and prevent them from being around in the first place
6 Natural Ways to Kill Mosquito Larvae February 15, 2021Peter Olt Learn how to kill mosquito larvae using only natural, effective methods.
Here's the Best Time to Spray for Mosquitoes December 03, 2020Peter Olt Did you know certain times are better than others when it comes to spraying for mosquitoes?
Best Mosquito Repellent System for Hotels & Resorts November 13, 2017Peter Olt Take a moment to think about what it is like to check into a hotel, bring your bags to your room and head out to the pool or courtyard only...
Mosquito Killer Ready to Use Gallons Released May 16, 2017Peter Olt Check out all Mosquito Magician Products on our website and take your yard back!