Does Cinnamon Oil Repel Mosquitoes? February 11, 2022Peter Olt In our never-ending quest to find the best household items that repel mosquitoes, today we’re looking at whether or not cinnamon oil can repel mosquitoes.
Does Coconut Oil Repel Mosquitoes? January 30, 2022Peter Olt Coconut oil has been a recent health food craze that has taken the market by storm. It’s used in a variety of applications from haircare to cardiovascular health. The question...
Does Vicks® VapoRub® Repel Mosquitoes? January 13, 2022Peter Olt VapoRub® has a potent scent, but is it strong enough to repel mosquitoes?
Does Sage Repel Mosquitoes? December 14, 2021Peter Olt We did the research to find out just how effective sage is at repelling mosquitoes
Does Smoke Repel Mosquitoes? December 02, 2021Peter Olt Sometimes mosquitoes make being outside unbearable. They’re annoying, their bites itch. Wouldn’t it be nice to have a secret weapon to ward off those pesky mosquitoes and be able to...
Does Listerine Repel Mosquitoes? November 19, 2021Peter Olt Listerine is a great way to ward off bad breath, but can it do the same for mosquitoes?
Does Alcohol Repel Mosquitoes? November 01, 2021Peter Olt Everyone, at one point or another, has probably tried a home remedy of some sort to get rid of mosquitoes. Today, we’re looking at a common household item you can...
Do Dryer Sheets Repel Mosquitoes? October 18, 2021Peter Olt Do dryer sheets repel mosquitoes? We did the research to find out!
Does Garlic Repel Mosquitoes? September 29, 2021Peter Olt A common way consumers have been deterring mosquitoes naturally is with things like plants, essential oil extracts, and apple cider vinegar, but does garlic repel mosquitoes?
Does Rosemary Repel Mosquitoes? September 08, 2021Peter Olt Plants and their extracts have been used to subdue insects such as mosquitoes for thousands of years, but DEET took the world by storm after its invention in 1946. Since...
Do Lemons Repel Mosquitoes? September 03, 2021Peter Olt While there are many plants and essential oils proven to repel mosquitoes, do lemons repel mosquitoes? We’re here to break it down for you!
Does Apple Cider Vinegar Repel Mosquitoes? September 03, 2021Peter Olt Over the years, some companies began transitioning to safer, greener ingredients, but your pantry could contain what you need to repel mosquitoes. If you have Apple Cider Vinegar on your...